Equal Opportunities Working Party

Preamble: Guiding Principle of Gender Mainstreaming and the Advancement of Women

1. The University of Vienna is committed to gender equality in research and teaching (section 2, sub-para. 9 of the 2002 Universities Act) and to the principle of gender mainstreaming, pursuant to articles 2 and 3 of the Amsterdam Treaty (2001/51/EC) and the Resolution of the Federal Government of 7 July 2000. This means that structures, measures and decisions are consistently reviewed, evaluated and developed from the perspective and with the objective of equal opportunities and gender equality.

2. The implementation of this principle is one of the duties of all members of the University of Vienna, especially of decision-makers, and is considered a guiding principle. The principle of gender mainstreaming is implemented in a sustainable manner in all fields of activity.

3. The advancement measures contained in the federal equal opportunities act (Bundes-Gleichbehandlungsgesetz or B-GlBG), in these Statutes and in the Affirmative Action Plan for the Advancement of Women and Gender Equality of the University of Vienna are included in the performance agreement of the University concluded with the federal minister responsible for university matters as aspects of relevance for planning and distribution. Any and all budget requests for measures which, in particular, aim at counteracting that women are under-represented or at a disadvantage are ranked on top and given priority in the allocation of funds.

Establishment of the Equal Opportunities Working Party

§ 1. The Senate establishes an Equal Opportunities Working Party at the University of Vienna pursuant to section 42, para. 1 of the 2002 Universities Act. Its rights and tasks arise from the federal equal opportunities act (Bundes-Gleichbehandlungsgesetz), Federal Law Gazette I No. 100/1993 as amended, the 2002 Universities Act, Federal Law Gazette I No. 120/2002, in particular from sections 42 et seqq. leg. cit., and the Affirmative Action Plan for the Advancement of Women and Gender Equality of the University of Vienna.

Composition of the Equal Opportunities Working Party

§ 2. (1) The Equal Opportunities Working Party comprises 25 members and 50 substitute members from all groups of university members represented in the Senate:

1. four representatives of the university professors (section 94, para. 2, sub-para. 1 of the 2002 Universities Act);

2. ten representatives of the associate professors and other academic research and teaching staff (section 94, para. 2, sub-para. 2 of the 2002 Universities Act);

3. seven representatives of the general university staff (section 94, para. 3 of the 2002 Universities Act) and

4. four representatives of students.

(2) At least half of the members of the Equal Opportunities Working Party have to be women.

(3) The members and substitute members of the Equal Opportunities Working Party are delegated by the respective group of university members in the Senate after hearing the acting Equal Opportunities Working Party. In this context, the experiences gathered by the members and substitute members in matters related to equal opportunities and advancement of women are taken into account and a balanced relationship between the various faculties and centres is strived for.

Term of office

§ 3. The term of office of the members and substitute members of the Equal Opportunities Working Party conforms with the statutory provisions (section 42, para. 2 and section 143, para. 74 of the 2002 Universities Act as amended). If a member or substitute member resigns prematurely, the delegating group of university members appoints a member or substitute member for the remainder of the term of office after hearing the Equal Opportunities Working Party. The rules of procedure for collegial bodies regulate the substitution of members by substitute members.


§ 4. (1) A chairperson and a deputy chairperson or two deputy chairpersons are elected from among the members by a simple majority of votes. The order of substitution is determined on the occasion of this election.

(2) The chairperson and the deputy or deputies perform this function on a part-time basis.


§ 5. The Equal Opportunities Working Party has the following tasks:

1. counteracting discrimination (section 4a of the B-GlBG) by university bodies;

2. providing advice and support to university bodies and members in matters related to gender equality and advancement of women;

3. exercising information, participation and control rights in equal treatment matters and personnel issues;

4. participating in and exercise control in professorial appointment and habilitation procedures;

5. lodging complaints with the Arbitration Committee;

6. lodging complaints with and submitting applications for drawing up expert reports for the federal equal opportunities committee;

7. drawing up an annual activity report for the University Board and the Rectorate.

Information rights

§ 6. In order to carry out its statutory duties, the members of the Equal Opportunities Working Party are provided with all information, in particular about the intended establishment (section 107 of the 2002 Universities Act), material change and termination of an employment relationship or other legal relationship with the University in the field of personnel and are granted access in accordance with the provisions of section 42, paras. 4 and 5 of the 2002 Universities Act.

Freedom from instruction, rights

§ 7. (1) The members and substitute members of the Equal Opportunities Working Party do not have to follow any instructions or orders in the fulfilment of their tasks and have to maintain secrecy (section 42, para. 3 in conjunction with section 48 of the 2002 Universities Act). They may not be impeded when fulfilling their tasks and not be disadvantaged in their career promotion as a result of these activities.

(2) The activity as a member or substitute member of the Equal Opportunities Working Party is regarded as an important contribution to the fulfilment of official duties.

Professorial appointment procedures

§ 8. The Equal Opportunities Working Party is entitled to appoint a maximum of two representatives to appointment committees (section 98 of the 2002 Universities Act). These take part in the meetings of the appointment committees in an advisory capacity. They have the right to bring forward a motion, to place a dissenting opinion on record as well as to add to the record particular contributions to the discussion made by members of the appointment committees.

Habilitation committees

§ 9. The Equal Opportunities Working Party is entitled to appoint a maximum of two representatives to habilitation committees (section 103 of the 2002 Universities Act). These take part in the meetings of the habilitation committees in an advisory capacity. They have the right to bring forward a motion, to place a dissenting opinion on record as well as to add to the record particular contributions to the discussion made by members of the habilitation committees.


§ 10. The Rectorate provides the Equal Opportunities Working Party with the resources (space, personnel and material expenses) required to carry out its statutory tasks.

Final and Transitional Provisions

§ 11. (1) This part of the Statutes enters into force on the first day of the month following its announcement in the University Gazette.

(2) With the entry into force of this part of the Statutes, the part of the Statutes “Equal Opportunities Working Party”, University Gazette of 23 December 2003, 4th edition, no. 16 as amended in the University Gazette of 22 December 2006, 12th edition, no. 57 and in the University Gazette of 3 February 2020, 9th edition, no. 61 ceases to be effective.

(3) The term of office of the Equal Opportunities Working Party in office at the moment of the publication of this part of the Statutes in the University Gazette is (notwithstanding para. 3) extended until 30 September 2022.


As of: 1 February 2022

The only legally binding version is the German version published in the University Gazette.